At Koo Wee Rup Primary School, all students from Foundation to Year Six participate in learning a second language for one hour each week. The chosen language at Koo Wee Rup Primary is Italian.
Italian is taught to all students using a communicative approach where instructions, questions and responses are mostly given in the target language. Students are exposed to engaging and exciting activities to build on the language skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing.
Through their learning, students’ understanding, and awareness will be developed to appreciate differences between languages and cultures.
At our school, our goal is to provide an authentic learning environment where each child is encouraged to develop his/her communicative language skills in the target language. The program is an excellent learning opportunity which sees the children journey from the very beginnings of their target language development, including basic word recognition, pronunciation, recall and simple phrases all the way through to developing a broad vocabulary of Italian, basic conversational skills and a passion and enthusiasm for all things Italian!
The KWRPS Italian program also provides a great framework for children entering secondary school, giving them a great foundation in their future endeavours of learning a second language. Students who transition on to Koo Wee Rup Secondary College can continue studying Italian through their secondary years.
Italian Day
Our school holds an Italian day every year to further promote awareness and appreciation of the Italian language and culture.
Led by our Italian teacher, Signora Donisi, the day highlights food, multicultural activities, cultural performances, and a Dress Up Theme of Italy.
Pizza and gelato are favourites for our lunch on this special day.
At Koo Wee Rup Primary School, all students from Foundation to Year Six participate in learning a second language for one hour each week. The chosen language at Koo Wee Rup Primary is Italian.
Italian is taught to all students using a communicative approach where instructions, questions and responses are mostly given in the target language. Students are exposed to engaging and exciting activities to build on the language skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing.
Through their learning, students’ understanding, and awareness will be developed to appreciate differences between languages and cultures.
At our school, our goal is to provide an authentic learning environment where each child is encouraged to develop his/her communicative language skills in the target language. The program is an excellent learning opportunity which sees the children journey from the very beginnings of their target language development, including basic word recognition, pronunciation, recall and simple phrases all the way through to developing a broad vocabulary of Italian, basic conversational skills and a passion and enthusiasm for all things Italian!
The KWRPS Italian program also provides a great framework for children entering secondary school, giving them a great foundation in their future endeavours of learning a second language. Students who transition on to Koo Wee Rup Secondary College can continue studying Italian through their secondary years.
Italian Day
Our school holds an Italian day every year to further promote awareness and appreciation of the Italian language and culture.
Led by our Italian teacher, Signora Donisi, the day highlights food, multicultural activities, cultural performances, and a Dress Up Theme of Italy.
Pizza and gelato are favourites for our lunch on this special day.
"Learning another language is not only learning different words for the same things but learning another way to think about things"
‒ Flora Lewis
‒ Flora Lewis